J. Christina | The Back Story

J. Christina is the owner and content creator of Scribbles and Smiles.  A Midwestern blogger and amateur photographer married to John, a.k.a. Mr. Christie.  J. Christina is our bespoke pen name.

Mr. Christie is right-on-board throughout our jaunts around the world.  He supports, encourages, handles gadgetry, and navigation.  Best of all, we lean on each other at the end of long travel days.

My blogging journey began before blogging was trending.  I leaned-in to my creativity and had my creative passport stamped, creating Scribbles and Smiles for all to enjoy.

Nowadays, I do my dreaming with my eyes wide-open. Scribbles & Smiles welcomes your visits, likes, follows and comments on our social media platforms:  Facebook and Instagram.

Join J. Christina on excursions and sights some only glimpse on a postcard. Enjoy traveling vicariously with us to many beautiful and magical European destinations.

Be well traveled,

J. Christina


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